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    RRP $30 See Every Highlight From the Vanity Fair Oscar Party Red Carpet West and Fox have been very publicly dating (?) since early January despite the fact the rapper is still hung up on getting Kim Kardashian back (the reality star couldn’t care less about the relationship). Despite massive backlash from the Asian community and many opportunities for education, celebrities continue to use the fox–eye trend as a way to exoticize themselves. While some may argue that the trend is one that is complimentary to East Asians and reflects an admiration for diverse features, this argument completely dismisses the trauma that many East Asians have had to deal with that targeted the natural slant of their eyes. Similarly, others justify the fox–eye trend by emphasizing that American beauty standards are evolving with America’s growing diversity. However, these ethnic features seem to only be considered beautiful on white people, highlighting exactly what is wrong with many fashion “trends” today. 

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  14. As NBC Sports prepare to shut down its NBCSN cable channel by the end of next month, the new deal would support the migration of content, including Premier League programming to other properties such as the Peacock streaming platform, according to Josh Shuart, director of sports management at Sacred Heart University’s Jack Welch College of Business & Technology. Fox took over U.S. English-language rights from ESPN for this World Cup. Telemundo, part of Comcast Corp.’s NBCUniversal Inc., replaced Univision as the U.S. Spanish-language rights holder. If you are an AT&T Unlimited Customer you can get DIRECTV NOW with NBCSN and 60+ other channels for just $10 a month. It’s a win for soccer, sure, but maybe not for the MLS which is what NBCSN really is aiming for. Have to consider also that this is Manchester United vs. Liverpool. It’s perhaps the biggest soccer rivalry in the world lol
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